Thursday, September 15, 2005

I'm in internet cafe on Khoa San Road in Bangkok, killing time before Claire and I hop on a VIP bus to Phuket. Don't worry. The tsunami ended last year, shortly after it began. The beaches have been rebuilt and the good folks down there are hungry for tourist dollars, which is what Claire and I are made of...
Claire and I had a great day yesterday, mastering the public transport of Bangkok, which incidentally, may be the nicest I've experienced save the monorail at Kings Island. We also booked some bus rides in the coming weeks, which provided for some good exercise in the art of haggling. Best line: " So if it's 650 baht on VIP bus, 500 on minibus, how much to ride on the water buffalo?" Water buffalo material gets best price everytime.
We're planning on doing some climbing down south. We'll check back in once we get there...


Anonymous said...

so, you're becoming an expert in price haggling. this will be very useful when we go home to the philippines. you two take care of yourself. and i am sorry that i am always away from my cell whenever you call. have given your blog site to your cousins (rovi, myla, gary, marian, camille, lucille and gregory. hope they will get in touch with you and claire. love ya, mom

Anonymous said...

gee, i have forgotten that your name is gregory, gregory holbrock . . . actually, one of jij's cousins in the philippines is named after you - gregory. but don't worry. you will remain one of the cousins. am glad that you and jij are keeping in touch - still . . . jij and claire: take care

Greek InterVarsity said...

Learning to haggle? Claire has been haggling since she popped out of the ole womb. And if haggling doesn't work she always knows how to 'sample' whether it be in the candy isle of the grocery store or the mango from the market in downtown Bankok.

If I were Jij I would fear for my life just because I'm travelling w/a Shepley. We have a way of getting ourselves in interesting situations.

Anonymous said...

I loved all the info about the VIP bus - did it remind you of when we were traveling through Nashville with dad at ?? mph in the pouring rain and I was telling him to slow down in very strong terms!!The bungalow looks great and hopefully the rain won't stop you from doing anything, love mum