Thursday, March 01, 2007

9:24 on a Thursday night. I’m sitting here on our new comfy couch, trying to figure out what to do with myself. Just got home not long ago, sent some e-mails, and ate. Not going to the climbing gym tonight…so I crack a PBR.

The earth just shook. I jumped a bit and gasped. What the…It’s still going, I think it’s still going. Is it STILL going or am I shaking? Fun. Interesting. A 4.2, no worries for a Californian, I guess.

We had hail storms twice this week. Hail, Thunder AND Lightning. Strange. After a huge thunder roll, I explain to my students what had happened. That was thunder, blah, blah, blah, blah. Afterwards a student raised his hand and reassuringly said “Don’t worry, that was a truck.”

“NO,” I think to myself, “that was not a truck…didn’t you hear what I just said? I said it was thunder!!” A humorous summary of interactions I have daily with my students.

At least he was somewhat on target…he could have just as easily said something completely unrelated like…“Ms. Shepley, I love pink bunnies.”

It is or was my birthday this week. Either today or yesterday. Take your pick. You see, when you are born on Leap Year like I was, you get a little confused about these things. Seeing that next year is a Leap Year, there must be an extra 18 hours in this year somewhere that somehow slips by. Next year I’ll get the full 24 hours and the following year, back down to 6, then 12…and the cycle goes on. I’ve always just claimed the whole week as my own. And so I should, really. Afterall, if they can write Pluto off, so too could they write Leap Day off…and then what? Do I become obsolete? My brother brought that fear upon me, just as an older brother would ;)

What’s stranger is that I’m posting on a site titled “We Live on Vacation.” Hmmmmm. My dad has been trying to convince me that I can no longer make that claim. I think he’s right. I mean, 3 days a week I am working from 7:15am – 8 pm. I have been working 1 weekend a month which is about to become 2 weekends per month. Though I still feel calm, happy and content…I must admit, I can’t quite access that day-in and day-out carefree, laissez les bon temps roulez attitude of being on vacation. So, though I’m not going to change the name of this blog for reasons of nostalgia, I will admit that maybe, just maybe, it would be more appropriately named We Dream of Vacation.

And so I leave you, dreaming….dreaming of the next time….dreaming of the next time I will live up to the mantra….dreaming of the next time I will, in fact, Live on Vacation.


Anonymous said...

Never fear Claire.

I am now working on the "we live on vacation" theme so will keep it alive until you are ready to take it back :-)

See you in the Bay in 12 days time.

Anonymous said...

I remarked as we passed the place, if you will remember, how charming it would be to stop in this dear, quaint old inn over night.. really ? If the complexion of his politics were not accounted for by his being an eager person himself? Whether Wendell Fillips were not a reduced copy of John Knocks ? Whether a New York Feuilletoniste is not the same thing as a Fellow down East ? At this time a plausible-looking, bald-headed man joined us, evidently waiting to take a part in the conversation.. Man, she said, I shu got the mos' reediculoustest name you eveh did heah.. This picture had, after all, nothing to do with him.. I call this particular condition Repression.. Vashti lay a huddle of blue in the bow, crouched in fear and desolation, shaken and torn with sobbing; but he made no effort to comfort her.. As for myself, I have been actuated solely by the conviction that in the explanation of sexual dreams I should be bound to entangle myself deeply in the still unexplained problems of perversion and bisexuality; and for that reason I have reserved this material for another connection.. But my fatal eyes, behind the glasses, followed and entered with him, and saw that the chamber was a chapel.. The good Lord have mercy upon us! exclaimed Marann, springing up and catching hold of her mother's skirts, as she began her advance towards the bar-room.. Gideon stretched himself, and looked out of the window, and emotion seized him.. On arriving at the south gate of the Asylum grounds, I was about to ring, but my friend held my arm and begged me to rap with my stick, which I did.. There was the auctioneer, with his beautiful and inviting lithographic maps--all the lots as smooth and square and enticingly laid out as possible--and there were the speculators--and there, in the midst of them, stood Monsieur Poopoo.. He laid both shaking hands upon the arms of his chair to rise.. I did not find those I came to clearer sighted than those I had left behind.. We may explain this occurrence by the fact that the wish belongs to one system (the Unc.. Leonard's party; and the arrival of their carriage would have been the signal of departure, even if Jane's piece had not reached its termination.. The Governor and Isaacs whispered. In contradistinction to this, there seems to be nothing in the psychology of the dream to warrant the assumption that sleep produces any but secondary changes in the conditions of the Unc.. Elder Brown mounted his patient steed that stood sleepily motionless in the warm sunlight, with his great pointed ears displayed to the right and left, as though their owner had grown tired of the life burden their weight inflicted upon him, and was, old soldier fashion, ready to forego the once rigid alertness of early training for the pleasures of frequent rest on arms.. I cannot pretend to recount all that he told me, but I gleaned from what he said that he was a genius who presided over the contretemps of mankind, and whose business it was to bring about the odd accidents which are continually astonishing the skeptic...

Anonymous said...

Where are you guys right now? Still living on vacation? Would love to know. Get in touch!