Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Montenegro is a beautiful country...from coastal fjords to quaint little mountain towns, rolling green hills and expansive farmland. Unfortunately we were there during a cold, cloudy and rainy snap (forecasted to be a 2 week snap) and were not able to fully see and enjoy all the country had to offer. we were meant to go backpacking while in Montenegro but quickly realized we were far from prepared. It was so cold the first night sleeping beneath our dainty silk blankets that we slept in the car. The next day we bought a big, thick, fuzzy blanket but I was still skeptical that we would sleep warmly. As all illprepared people do, we made a plan...first we would put on every item of clothing in our backpacks, then we would consume every bit of wine we could get our hands on and finally we would bury ourselves in our newly acquired blanket and hope for a bit of sleep. It was a pretty good plan I thought and if nothing else would have provided some good photo ops. But, when we arrived back at camp that night, I spied the nice, cozy looking, A framed, wooden bungalows and casually inquired about the price. They could've probably cost an exhorbatant amount and I woulda been tempted to pay it, but luckily they were cheap and we were moved in within minutes! We slept warm and happily. The next day we awoke to low clouds and more cold drizzle. Luckily having a car and no reservations we felt quite free. We decided to leave Montenegro but were unsure where we wanted to go. We were still hoping for a mountain experience. Austria was our initial plan... Let's get the h$&@ outta here and head for the mountains in Austria we said without much thought. If you take a glimpse at a map, you will see that Austria is not so close to Montenegro. Not to mention that we will be up in Slovenia (austrias neighbor to the south) in a mere 5 days. Employing a little sense we opted out of the long trek to Austria and decided to explore Bosnia instead. We spent a few days in Sarajevo. Amazing to think that place was the center of a war within the last 20 years. Sarajevo is a beautiful mix of east meets west not unlike Istanbul but on a smaller scale. red roofed houses adorn the green mountains while a mix of minarets and chapels make up the skyline. Sarajevo was just the right speed for us and a great place to sit in a cafe with a pivo (beer), kafa (coffee) or cevapi (meatballs). As I write we are in a little town just north of Sarajevo called trevnik. We just inhaled our $2 plates of cevapi and are watching American movies on the tiny tv in our hotel. Tomorrow we head to Mostar where we hope to see some people jump off the famous bridge.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds just like you two-if plan A doesn't work, don't panic, whine, etc, just work out plan B and go for it. I didn't like to think of you both huddled up in a tent with your teeth chattering and toes freezing!!