Monday, July 19, 2010

It has come to the point in our trip where we have lost all concept of time and day. You know you're on vacation when you have no clue what day it is and really have no real reason to know. We've been in Croatia for a while now (don't ask me how long...I just told you I have no idea!). We spent several days near a town called Sibenik with our friends Matt and Kasia and their family. Our days consisted of waking up to fresh bread brought by the bread truck man, eating Poland's (Kasia's family is Polish but they vacation in Croatia every summer) finest assortment of sausages, jumping off the pier into the warm and salty sea water, playing in the water, relaxing in the shade, snorkeling, hunting for octopus, reading, chatting, laughing, taking boat rides to small islands where we repeated all of the above mentioned activities (except for the bread truck...he can't make it to the island) and simply just being with good friends and living on vacation. Kasia's family were so welcoming and kind. On our last evening Kasia's dad made us the best octupus (known in these parts as habotnitsa) we had ever eaten, followed the next morning by a feast of a breakfast! We were sad to leave that little place we'd like to consider home (for the moment at least) but, we left. A beautiful drive down the coast took us through Split and many other small towns to a town called Drevnik where we took a ferry boat to Hvar island. Croatia is beautiful.
Hvar town is a cute little town definitely well occupied by tourists. While in Hvar, we spent our time sitting on steps watching the world go by whilst consuming multiple 2 litre bottles of Karlovacko, taking walks to find sweeping panoramic views of the town itself, making ridiculous poses to mimic street signs and climbing. If only we had had more time there to climb but alas, a traveler must move on. So it was back in the car for a nice journey down the scenic Croatian coast (with a short hop into Bosnia) and into Dubrovnik.
In Dubrovnik, Jij and I found ourselves without a plan for sleeping for the first time this trip! Last time we travelled together, that was our norm. So it was back to roaming the streets looking for the best place to stay. We met a nice man who seemed really excited about his place..."terratcia, panoramica, nice, nice place, parking, down stairs city to the right city, down stairs to the left beach (he didn't specify that it was down 392 stairs!!!)". Needless to say, he won us over and we stayed in his place. It was BEAUTIFUL, the view amazing, the room cute and everything we needed...the only downside were those THREE HUNDRED NINETY TWO steps especially if we decided to climb them in the heat of the day (99 degrees). The walled old town of Dubrovnik is amazing and beautiful to look at as well as walk around. The pictures will speak for themselves. In Dubrovnik, we found ourselved eating delicious and
reasonably priced seafood, once again sitting on steps or on our balcony drinking 2 litre bottles of beer, enjoying the view, and kayaking. I think we could have stayed in Dubrovnik for EVER but, again we moved on.
The Croatia portion of our trip will bring many fond memories. We were greatful to have spent it with good friends. Nastrovia to Jason, Ambika, Kate, Matt, Kasia, Olivia and Kasia's parents for helping create those fond memories. Let's do it again soon!
**Pictures to come later...


Unknown said...

It all sounds "lavely"-the photos are so full of vitality, friendship and love. Hopefully it has warmed up and that you aren't shivering in your blankets!

Claire said...

We left the cold mountains. Now in Sarajevo...warmer here but still need the blankets!

Claire said...

We left the cold mountains. Now in Sarajevo...warmer here but still need the blankets!